

Pastoral Care

Our pastoral care committee regularly contacts both members and adherents of our congregation to inform them of events at the church and to determine if there are any special needs. Each member of the committee is paired with a member of Session to share, with the minister,  in the responsibility of caring for our community. If you are in need or know of someone who is please contact us.


Women’s Missionary Society

The WMS is a lively and vital force at our church. Besides holding their regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month, they richly contribute to congregational life.  Beginning their meetings with meaningful devotionals the group routinely works on ways in which they can creatively and substantially support missions both near and far. They regularly correspond with individuals and families throughout the community at times of need. They are also pleased to work alongside the WMS Presbyterial which offers inspiring events for women’s groups across our region.  New members are always warmly and enthusiastically welcomed!


Presbyterian World Service & Development

The congregation at Stroud Presbyterian is pleased to assist
with the work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s PWS&D through prayer and direct contributions for relief work around the world. Special appeals are made from time to time as we become aware of needs beyond our borders.